Neha Sinha, Elder Care Manager at Epoch Elder Care with one of her clients in Delhi.
Los Angeles, CA -A unique Elder Care venture now offers Indian Americans who are concerned about? the well being of? an aged parent or relative who still lives in India,? a service which will give them peace of mind with the knowledge that their loved ones are in safe hands.
The person behind the undertaking is Kabir Chadha who is the Founder and CEO of? Epoch Elder Care. After? completing his BA in Economics? he worked for 5 years? as a consultant with McKinsey & Company in New York when he was drawn back to India for what he told India Journal, was for several reasons.? For one thing he wished? to go forth? on his own and for this? he? chose? to relocate to India when after close scrutiny,? he recognized the country? had far more? potential and? opportunities that are currently available in the US. Also, importantly he had? a strong infrastructure in Delhi by way of? location and connections as his family? lives in that area.
The inspiration for the? project came from his grandmother?? who?? had been living on her own in Pune. She went through a medically tough time for a few years because the family found it very difficult to provide high quality care for an elderly person at home.?? Today, having moved to Delhi, she is a totally different 80 year old? living a healthy life and growing old gracefully in? a fun way.? Observing? her remarkable transformation he researched the subject of Elderly care? in India and? discovered that? the primary need? of the aged is companionship? and? a reluctance to move out from a family home into old age facility for cultural reasons. He recognized the potential of tapping this demographic segment as India today has the 2nd largest elderly population in the world with 100 million over the age of 65.
Neha Sinha, Elder Care Manager at Epoch Elder Care with one of her clients in Delhi.
Culturally Indians are programmed to take care of their elders but with? mobility required to succeed in?? the commercial arena, the younger work force can no longer remain stationed? where their elderly relatives are and nor can they move them along wherever their employment takes them.? Or even if they live under the same roof, pressure of work and? running a household? demands? sacrifices and may require outside help to take care of the elderly. However only low skilled people like maids or nurses? are available who are not trained to respond to their needs. This is where Epoch steps in.? They employ? elder care specialists in their 20s and 30s who hold Masters or equivalent degrees in physiology, gerontology , social work , all carefully screened not only? for the right educational? education background but also with experience in having worked with the elderly and possessing soft skills such as patience, empathy, creativity and patience which is essential in this field of work.
However this is not to be mistaken for a 24 hours stay in service at the residence of the aged relative.? The service provided is a high intensity one? hour or more? of focus time at the home of the elderly person,? primary in the role of a companion and friend, developing social and companionship activities like games, social outings, shopping and technology education like the use of email and Skype. These? sessions are held on a daily basis or as often? as deemed necessary depending upon the physical and mental make up of the elder concerned.
Among other services provided are calendaring doctor?s appointments, accompanying the elder for medical checkups and follow ups, taking notes , managing medication pills and monitoring personal and environmental hygienic levels.? The caregivers will provide continuing feedback to the client in the US on the physical and mental state of the elderly? they have been entrusted with for their well being.? The service also provides Alzheimer?s? and Dementia care with programs designed to slow down the process of memory loss and related issues by trained personnel.
For the comfort and joy of? knowing that one?s elderly back in India are being taken care of,? $300 a month is a price tag well worth every dollar. What one pays for is the deep bond which develops between the caregiver and the elder which opens a window into the state of mind and body of the aged person which will be conveyed back to his or her loved one and? benefactors? in the USA.
Looking for ways to improve elderly care standards in India,? Kabir Chada has? just? entered into a? partnership? with the gerontology department at Stanford Hospital to train professional care givers .
For the present this service is available in Delhi and surrounding areas but Chadha already has ambitious plans to expand? Epoch?s operation to other metropolitan cities.
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