Sunday, August 28, 2011

Family business strategic planning | News about Strategic-Planning

August 25, 2011 at 9:19 pm?-?Views: 73

When a conflict occurs in the family business can be explained by differences in the objectives of individuals, families or business. Perhaps a family member working in the business of economic necessity, not because he or she wants. Or perhaps the potential successor has plans for business, which differ from the current plan guides various generation typically have different goals. For whatever reason, the conflict must be addressed and resolved to avoid and prevent more serious problems later. One way to define and align family and business goals through strategic planning, professional and family. In these designs, we create a mission statement for businesses and for the family that allows each element to complement each other. When this task is completed, set targets for the family business, which will allow families and businesses to prosper. Then, to develop a strategy for the achievement of these objectives, and, finally, to formulate policies and procedures for the control of family participation in the operation panel. Business strategic planning Strategic planning for family-owned businesses requires that you integrate family issues, such as: What is the long-term personal and professional goals of family members? What is family? Why you are committed to the establishment and operation of the business? How can you expect business in the future? Family members will be active in the management or they will also have passive members? How will be dealt with issues such as compensation, benefits and performance evaluation? Answers to these questions affect business strategy and should be resolved before starting strategic planning. Strategic planning involves analyzing the business environment and designing a process to guide the development and success in the future. This process involves assessing the operation of the internal and external environment (i.e., economic, technological, social and political forces) that affect the business. To start this process, identifying internal strengths and weaknesses that might restrict or support strategy. This includes components of organizational assessment (1), (2) culture and resources (3). A list of available opportunities (growth, new markets, a change in the regulations) and threats (increased competition, lack of raw materials, price reductions) in your organization. This should give you some insight into the current situation and to provide a strategic orientation. Next, list the goals you and your family, select the direction of risk and personal needs. Many of these goals and objectives will be addressed in the strategic plan for your family. Also, you will find that your personal goals will affect the strategy you choose. For example, if there is a great opportunity to grow your market but you have a low risk and great personal security needs, you?ll probably be the lack of follow-up to the high growth. It is not only risky but also expensive. Monetary growth, consumes must generate cash internally or externally funded. Should mesh your personal goals with your strategy. Once you have rated opportunities in the industry, the strengths and weaknesses of the company and your personal goals, you can proceed with the strategic plan. These include: A mission statement Establishment of quality objectives Development of strategies to meet goals Develop action steps to implement the strategy. Please consider each of these four elements of in more detail: 1 Mission Statement: The mission statement answers the business of ?What question are you in? ?it defines your customers and explains why you are in business.? The mission statement embodies the core of the company and provides guidance to all facets of the company. To be effective, it must: Include provisions which allow the measurement Establish the individuality of the company You can define where the company wants to be related to the company?s Be relevant for anyone with a stake in the company Be stimulating and exciting. 2. the objectives of: you should set reasonable objectives for the company, on the basis of the mandate, to ensure fulfilment of the mission firm. Objectives should be clearly stated, realistic, measurable, time and specific and demanding. Targets can be created for: Revenue growth Earnings growth Sales growth and market share New factories or shops Quality of the products and services or corporate image. 3. strategies: Strategies are determined by your answer to previous question: ?What the company will be like in the future? ?their policy options include the following: Stability-success is derived from little change (rare). Estrategia-sacrificio future growth in profits today benefits. The growth strategy of growth can be achieved through vertical integration (the inside), horizontal integration (buy a competitor), diversification, mergers or reduction (?turn? or ?sales?). 4. action steps: once the strategy is selected, action steps must be specified which will accompany the firm of daily activities. An example of an action step is to create a budget to a project the cost of a strategy. This process is also known as tactical plans. The steps in the tactical planning needs practical and easy to implement and account; their goal is to put goals in realistic, manageable steps, which can be individually implemented. Strategic planning of the family The whole family should a mission or creed that defines why the business is required. Through the exchange of priorities, strengthen and weaknesses and the contribution of each Member of the company can make, starts to build the family a unified vision of the company. This vision include personal goals and career objectives. An important issue to consider is how to establish priorities for the family and the business, i.e., deciding that he will come in first, business or family. How to respond to this question a influence in its planning.? Some members of the family will opt for the business first, reasoning that, without a business, there will be no financial security for the family. Others will opt for the family first, reasoning that any business worth the loss of family harmony. A third alternative is to serve family and business may not be equal, but quite possible. Under this alternative, all decisions are taken to meet family and business objectives. For example, a family may have a policy that any member of the family can join the company, but he or she must meet the requirements of the job. You can find that this is the best alternative because it obliges a compromise with the family and business.

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