Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life Insurance Health ? The Voters' voices be heard on Health ...

CardDepending voters in exit polls that reading, the main issue that brought voters to the polls was the surprising and unprecedented growth of government that has occurred over the past two years. And while the issue of employment and the economy were mostly in the minds of most voters, 45% of respondents say it was health care reform bill that tipped the balance for them as they symbolizes the uncontrolled development of government in their lives.

Other polls and surveys are more pointed in his assessment of public opinion towards the Obamacare. A pre-election survey conducted by Rasmussen shows that 59% of Americans favor the repeal of the law. However, a more detailed study of actual election results paint the darkest picture of the contempt of voters Obamacare and anyone who dared to support it.

Voters cleaned house in the mandate of Reform

Of course, Democrats who voted for the health law bore the brunt of the reaction of voters with nearly 90 to lose their seats in the House and six losing their seats in the Senate. The only Republican member of the House to cast their vote Obamacare was also defeated.

More revealing are some of the results of some of the local elections. Voters in both states, Arizona and Oklahoma passed constitutional reforms that are designed to halt the individual mandate enters into force in those states. And, with six new Republican governors elected, we can expect the number of states in court challenging Obamacare, currently 22 will increase to somewhere near 29.

Obamacare was a decisive issue for voters on the opposite side of the issue of carrying out those who feel that the new measure must be supported and further expanded. They represent a small minority of voters, approximately 19% who feel the Obamacare is good for America. Another 8% feel it?s not going far enough.

Reading Tea Leaves of Electors For Health Insurance

So what can we expect to happen to Obamacare after the voters have spoken? Republicans are using the election results to support their claim of a mandate for its repeal. The Democrats are spinning the results of his claim that the mandate of the voters not to repeal it, they want Congress to work cooperatively, both parties to address the many ills. With each party controlling one house of Congress, who must have little in the way of bipartisanship on this issue.

However, the Republicans plan to take the fight to the House to force vote after vote in efforts to repeal. You will receive a shot in the Senate, but at least their voices and the voices of at least 59% of voters will be heard. Also undermine the law attempts to cut funding specific components that are submitted for funding. They can also bury parts of the bill in committee hearings that might prevent them from seeing the light of day for a long time.

There is still much to be decided in court, and at least one of the lawsuits filed by states continues to advance. There will be more. Meanwhile, parts and pieces of the health reform law remain in force. So far, there has been little in the way of the positive effects that could change public sentiment. In fact, the more you see, the less they like. It will be very interesting if not entertaining next 24 months.

Source: http://lifeinsurancehealth.net/the-voters-voices-be-heard-on-health-reform/

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